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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Raging rant: Haters

Hi poodles! 

Now, I am going to rage a bit, so consider yourselves warned!

Yesterday, one of my very closest friends got hated on, anonymously on Formspring. You might think Formspring is super lame, but what's even more lame is, hating on people. Haters should get a fucking life! You have no fucking idea about much it affects the people you hate on, no matter what you say, or how you say it. 
You should never, ever do something like that to another person, if you have a fucking problem, talk to them face to face instead of hiding behind a fucking computerscreen, hating on people you're most likely to not even know..

Why the fuck do people do this shit?! To seem cool? Well, you don't - cunt! You seem like the fucking cowards you probably are, and there's no way you will be considered "cool", only by the shower of cunts that is the hater community! Fucking stop it! Right fucking now! 

I have once or twice tried to be hated on, and it is no way near fun, no matter how much you care, or how strong you are as a person. Stop hating and cyberbullying, right. fucking. now!

 Bye poodles! - Make peace not hate!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Latin, bitchachos!

Suppa-dup ma poodles? :)

In high school I've started Latin! :) You might think it's super lame and a waste of time, but I'm really exited about it! Once I nail this shizzle (which I plan to do), German is going to be easier, or.. that's what I've been told ;) Anyway, I've had 3 lessons by now and think it's really fun. :)

Jees, I have like 7 hours of school tomorrow, gotta go to bed now! :) Sorry this was an ultra short one.. but hey, at least I wrote something! :)

Bye poodles! - Sleep tight!


One of my closest friends have just been hated on, anonymously so expect a rant about that.. Boiling with fury here!! 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Vitamin powder D:


Guys! My parents are insisting on feeding me this disgusting (really I'm close to puking when I drink it!) vitamin powder, and it just.. It's the worst I've ever tasted, really! It's weird, because it is like there's a bunch of different smells in it, but there's just one God damned smell that triggers my gag-reflex..

I.. I just can't! And then my dad gets mad at me for "acting out", that fucking cunt! So, we tried mixing it in different kinds of juice, to improve the taste. Did. Not. Help.. Sadly. The reason why I have to take this shit, is because I've been very ill, like hospital ill, and my immune system is crap right now, so I need the extra "help".

Anyway, don't ever let your parents feed you that shit, cause it's crap!

Bye! - Brb, puking from shitty vitamin powder!



I just found proof that unicorns do exist!! Just look at this! 

Unicorns are real, they are just fat and grey, and we call then rhinos!

Fluffy unicorn :3

Hehehe, I told you ;)

Bye poodles! - All power to the unicorns!

Status of the oral exam!

Sup ma p-double o-to the d-l-e-s?!

I forgot I had written that I had an oral exam Wednesday, but anyhow, I am going to write about the outcome! As you might know, I had been sick the entire time we had the theory and did the experiments "behind" the 4 reports we should write. I was healthy and good to go to school just in time to the last report, so of course I should make that one! 

I wasn't able to participate in the experiment, but my best friend Helene helped out a lot. Big credits to her, without er help, I would've been fucked in trouble! ;) So we did the report, and when i got it back, I was told that it was "a very fine report". I had no idea what to think of that.. Then Wednesday it was "the big day", and I was scared as poop.

But despite the fright and nervousness, I think I did alright, and my teachers must have thought the same, because they gave me 12! 12 where I come from is equal to an A+, so I am very satisfied :) I mostly got from A+ to B+ in ground school, by getting it in high school is pretty impressive :D

I will probably post more stuff today, as an apology, and because I have nothing better to do :3

Bye poodles! - Drama llamas should fuck off :3

Croatia, I miss you! (and fuck, sorry!)


First, I am sorry for neglecting you again, I am a bad, bad person, I've just been busy with homework and events. I know that that isn't a god excuse, but it is what have happened. Well, lets get on with blog, shall we? :) 

I went to Croatia last summer to dive for a week, and I miss it sooo much! ): The weather was amazing, the water was clear and warm! I went with my local youth-club, and it was an amazing week! I just.. I just miss Croatia! We were staying on the island "Krk" no, no vocals.. You pronounce it something like "kreck" where the "r" is the "main sound". I don't even understand myself what I've just written, so if you don't understand it, it's okay!

The city we were staying in is called "Krk" and is the "capitol" of the island. Yes, the city is called the same as the island.. We had a 10 minutes walk from our hotel to the harbor where the boat we were diving from lay. It was just amazing! :)

I will post some pictures, and then STFU, because you are probably tired of me by now! :)

The pool at the hotel

The view from one of the windows

Some of Krk's harbor 

Best of Croatian regards, or something!

Bye poodles! - Croatia come back, there's nobody like you!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My boyish side

Hi poodles! :)

I have been to a oral exam in biology today, and eventhough I was shit scared, I (apparently) did well! :) I got an A, and I am very proud! :)

Anyway, here is a list of the "boyish things" about me, here you go! :)

1. My boy side
[X] I love hoodies.
[X] I love jeans.
[] Dogs are better than cats.
[] It’s hilarious when people get hurt.
[] Shopping is torture
[X] Sad movies suck
[] You own a car racing game.
[X] You played with hot wheels cars as a kid.
[X] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[X] You owned a ds, ps2, ps3, n64, or sega.
[] You used to be obsessed with power rangers.
[X] You have watched sports on tv.
[] Gory movies are cool.
[X] You go to your dad for advice.
[X] You hate drama.
[] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[] You used to collect hockey cards.
[X] Baggy sweats are cool to wear.
[] It’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[X] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colours.
[X] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[] Sports are fun.
[] You talk with food in your mouth.
[] You sleep with your socks on at night.
[X] You have fished at least once.

So, I am 13/25 boyish haha! ;)

Bye poodles!  - Yo dawg! Be trippin'!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

From Russia with love.. Apparently?

Mornin' bloggerpoodles! :)

You know, on this blog-thingey I can see some stats about where in the world you guys are from ;) Don't worry, it only shows country, I can't see where in the country you live or anything, So sadly, I can't stalk you down, hehe ;) I have no idea how you Russians poodles found me, but welcome! :D

Wednesday I have a mini oral-exam in biology, an in all honesty, I am shitscared of doing bad or even failing >.< I was sick all the time we were studying to topic of the exam, sooo I feel like I am going to die. Good God I am already scared, hahaha! I am such a wussy! ;)

I just hope to feel like this doggy-dowg Wednesday ^w^'
Haha, I just love that dog :3

Bye for now poodles! - Candyfloss runs within my vains

Bad idea

Fkfmmcncpfngmc >_<

Poodles, it is a very bad idea to ignore your obvious need to sleep, until it is about 3:00pm.  Asdfghlskakkftnfbrbwkd >.<

Please don't do what I have done, please! And I am starting school again at Monday, what a great idea to turn your day around like that! Clever move, dumb blonde!

I swear, I am going to fall asleep before my head even hits the pillow...

G'night poodles! - Zzz zzz zzz zzz



I am very sorry! ): I have been a baaaad bloggerpoodle and I haven't been writing anything for, what?, four days? It sucks, I know, and I am sorry! It isn't really because I have been super busy or anything, I have just been a lazy fucking bastard, and for that I am sorry!

Yesterday, Helene and I was filming (well, Helene's sister Sara was being an angel and filmed for us!) for a competition, it was mostly outside, and it was raining ALL THE BLOODY TIME! It was kind of a downer to know that we had to go out in the rain (with my expensive-ass video camera), but we really had a laugh, and we got it all done! I think I might have some pictures :) Jup - pictures, here they are!  

Me - smiling, or whatever?
Yes, we are in a tree - clapping.
Herp le derp!

These are some random still photos from some of the takes, and all we have left to do now, is editing, and from experience I know that that shit is going to take forever! Ugh.. but it is going to be worth it! (I hope!)

Bye poodles! - Appreciate the work of filmmakers! 

Monday, October 15, 2012


Good evening bloggerpoodles!

This morning I got up at 5:30AM to go on a super sale with my mother :)) I don't usually do this, but it was in my favorite mall, and it really was a super sale! ;) I mostly went for winter shirts, but kinda ended up with two pairs of jeans, a sweatshirt, two t-shirts (one long and a regular), a knitted sweater, three pairs of tights and a pair of black converse as well. 

Tadaaa ^w^
 BUT! Not to forget! I got some nail-polish and some stuff from LacĂ´me. The nail-polish I got is normally quite expensive, so thanks to the sale I got two different colors to a very reasonable price! All in all it was an amazing trip, 4 hours of being squeezed and pushed around, waiting in loooong ques.. But it was worth it!

Nailpolish, lipstick and the LacĂ´me stuff :)
I might post dome pictures of me wearing some of my new clothes, should I do that? :)

Tomorrow I am spending the afternoon and evening with Helene, and I really looking forward to it! We are planning on taking a walk in the woods, and we are bringing lots of tea to stay warm! :)

Bye poodles! - ERMEGERHD! SHAPPING!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pft, ironic!

Hi bloggerpoodles! 

Sooo, I came across some very, very ironic pictures and thought; "I want a cookie!". Well, I did.. But! After that, I was like "Hey, let's put those together so I can laugh at then!" And that's what I've done! - Enjoy!

You see the funny thing here? Crocs? 

You don't have to take it that literally!


It is a fire truck.. Literally.

You're shit at your grammar.

Ohh, the irony.

Check the licenceplate!


Makes sense.. pft.


I don't know about you, but some of these made me chuckle! I'am going to do this more, posting a series of pictures under a certain theme. It can be like this, ironic, cupcakes, "I could be anything", or even potatoes! :D

Bye poodles! - I just looove irony!

Le Internet Medly


Some of you may have seen this video before, if not, check it out!

Pretty epic, right? 
Going to post a least one more blog thingy today :)

Bye! - Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan!!


Hey poodles!

Sorry on advantage for spamming your world with the Ginger Jesus, but you have got to hear these songs! I was surfing the Ed Sheeran channel on YouTube this morning, and came across these. I have seen/heard them before, but I think I had forgotten them. Yes - I did slap myself over the hand, how could I forget?!

Anyway, these are very "live", acoustic versions of "Lego House", "Small Bump" and "A Team", and Ed sounds like an angel, no lie! Try to listen to the lyrics of these songs, and let them get to you. "Small Bump" always gets to me, and make me a little sad, but not in a depressing way, but in the way you know a song has gotten to you, and have touched you :)  

"Small bump" - always gets me!
"Lego House" - and it is not about toys..
"A Team" - Listen to the story, and let it take you!

I have got to post one more, sorry ;) I'm really not sorry at all, this is music worthy of Gods!

Yet there is a song out about blowjobs and some people like it better than this..

That was all for now :) I am going to take a shower, before my "Skype-date" (as my mother, oh so brilliantly called it -.-) with Mr. Fernando :)

Cheers poodles! 
- Worship songs about love, not blowjobs.. >.<


Herrow bloggerpoodles! :)

So, tonight have been tv-night. Just laying in bed, with my blanket tucked in, chatting with my two best friends on Facebook, relaxing big time and drinking a hell lot of tea! :)) I have bee updating a couple of times today, mostly out of boredom, just like now! 

I am going to talk to of my very best friends on skype, and I am really looking forward to it! I haven't been talking to him in months, and I miss him like fuck (SORRY) shoelace! I am as exited as a little child! Haha, I sound like such a child! 

Anyway, besides considering going to this big high school party thing, I have nothing planned for this holiday. Says something about my level of popularity, haha ;) Just kidding, but I really have no plans :) Oh, that's not true! Just remembered, I have TWO things planned, aha! :D Tuesday I am spending with Helene, my best friend, and Friday Helene and I are hosting a movies-night with our class, we are super excited!

Good night bloggerpoodles! - Popularity is a bitch, huh? Lol, jk, idks?! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ginger Jesus!

Aka. Ed Sheeran!

That man is literally the Ginger Jesus! His voice is amazing, and the lyrics are as well! I always end up singing along to the songs, they just.. I can't stop it, hehe :) I am finding it hard to write down words that can explain how his music is, except for: perfect.
I'm right - right?
   Seriously - Ginger Jesus!

The one above, "A Team" is the first song I heard by Ed, and it just captured me! I really enjoy listening the his music, one of the best parts of it is that there's a song for every mood! I am disappointed in myself for not being a proud owner of his album yet. I have the song, just not as physical copy. I am hoping to get it for Christmas!! :D

Bye (again) bloggerpoodles! - Praise the Ginger Jesus!

Well hello, Mr. Styles..

Catch me, cause I am falling!

I know Harreh've had a quiff before, but I didn't really get myself together to find good pictures of it, you know, in fear of my ovaries, haha! But I just did.. and let's just say, I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED! 

That boy. Those dimples. That quiff. Those ovaries - gone!

Gee, I don't know Harry.. I just know I can't..

Harry Styles, ladies and gentlemen, exploding teenage ovaries since his audition on the x-factor.
I am going to go know, before I get all fangirly, hehe ;)

Bye poodles! - Worship the quiff! 

Slendie McSlendieson

(yeah, I'm going to say that, sorry!)

Have you tried playing the Slenderman game? So far, I have managed to stay away from that game, but I have seen some YouTubers playing it, and their reactions are telling me to stay the f**k away! 

Scary? Yeah, maybe just a little?!?

I'm putting some of the videos of people playing and reacting to Slender.. Judge yourself!

Some of these peeps are screaming, I don't blame them.. I would too!

You just have to go love Smosh!! :))

Toby can be such a giiiirl, hahaha! And he screams like Slendie can actually hear him..

Have you played it yet? You can watch the vids, and tell me what you think :)
(please don't tell me I'm the only one shit scared of this game?!)

Bye poodles! Watch out for Slendie!

Faith in today's teens.. I lost it.

Am I the only one who think this is fucking messed up?!
Please don't tell me this is the standard for our generation teens.. I felt like crying, hiding in my room, and never - EVER - come out again. Okay, that was an over exaggeration.. But really.. How, what, gaah. Can't handle it.

Buckes of tea and autumn weather

Mornin' bloggers!

Gaaaaaaaaaaard, I am completely trashed. I slept like shait last night, I have no idea why. And the, when I woke up the weather was.. Well, not good, haha ;) It's grey, rainy and windy. Typical weather in the autumn, but I never really get used to it. But on the bright side, it can be really cozy sitting inside and watching a movie, drinking tea just hiding from the bad weather under your blanket.

I should have been to an amusement park today, where they are celebrating Halloween with thousands and thousands of carved pumpkins, but due to the crappy weather (and the fact that I get ridiculously easily sick these days), I passed. I really want to go, everyone I know who's been there says it's absolutely magical.

So right now I am home, sitting in my bed, chilling out, maxin' and relaxin' (haha, got that one? No? oh, then.. never mind...). Anyway, I am not really doing anything today, so I thinks it's just going to be a pj-day, and then drinking gallons of tea, hehe ;)

I might write some more today, just out of boredom ;)

Bye  :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Stalking you

AHA!! You guys are BUSTED! Or you know, like something like that!;) 
I never imagined anyone from Germany or even the USA would seen my blog, haha! ;)

Today, apart from school, i hung out with my friend Lasse. I went to ground school with him, and we have been good friends for quite some time. I wish I had recorded him playing the guitar, he plays like a freaking boss!

Apart from the guitar, he's also learning to play the piano and he plays the harmonica awesomely! Apparently he also started making his own music, he played me some tracks, and it sound absolutely fantastic!   

I really missed him, and I missed just hanging out with him, it is so chill and uncomplicated. We can sit in opposite sides of the room, on our computers, phones or whatever, but it won't get weird or awkward, it is a comfortable way of hanging out, that I've really missed! I generally hope to get some time to my friends in this one week holiday! :)

That was it for the update :)


Thursday, October 11, 2012

School and stuff

Clap my cow, and call me Susie!!
(Or you know.. something like that..)

I am in school right now, crimeriding to the max! Hehe ;) It really isn't much of a crime, I am just completely and utterly bored in class right now, and I do not have access to the God damn internet on my pc, so I am posting this from my phone.

I still have about 40 minuttes of class left, and I am reeeeeally looking forward to going home! :) And also go visit my old school, and say hi to people! :)

Have to end this now, got to type a lot.. pleeh!



Mornin' there!

I just woke up, and I am not going to school before 10:10AM, love it! And on top of that I only have two blocks today (one block is 95 mins)! The reason for this fab day, is the fact that two blocks are canceled (yay!), otherwise it would have been a loooong day, from 8:15AM to 15:30PM.. That's just human torture! ;)

After school I am going to visit my old school, the ground school in which I spent grade 0-9 (grade 0 is kinda like preschool, something.) and basically, at this point, more than half of my life. Wooow, just realised that. I feel old, haha! 

Another reason to feel old, is the pictures that were taken of our class in all the years. It is now in the school archive classified as "year 2002 - old class".. EXCUSE ME? "Old class"?! I am NOT old! Not that old.. Oh God.. 

Well, it's 9:27AM now, so I better get ready for school, we are picking up my best friend on the way, and I don't want to be late! :)

See ya!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Big Fat Gypsy Weddings - 2


I have been watching some episodes of the channel 4 series, "Big Far Gypsy Weddings - 2", and DAAAAMN! Do those travelers know how to party?! 

I am like, speechless (and it is, btw, REALLY hard to shut me up normally!). But I'm pretty sure that it is in a good way, though. I am truly amazed by those parties.. I would LOVE to go to one like that at some point :D   



Hello there!

I'm Kris, a sixteen year old girl from Northern Europe. My zodiac is Taurus, and even though I don't really believe in that kind of "superstition", I find that the general description actually suits me quite well!

To continue my rambeling.. I mostly enjoy my life. Right now, I am a freshmen in high school, and even despite the homework and laaate school hours, I really love it!

On this blog I will be posting small (maybe sometimes a little longer?) notes of no relevance or importance at all.. I think.. yeah.

So, bye - I guess? :)