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Monday, June 24, 2013

Today in Kris' world:

Hi guys!

Right now I am stuck in a car que on the highway - due to some douchebag truck driver. He has apparently pulled in to the emergency track, with the back end still "sticking out" and blocking an entire lane, and when there's only 2 lanes - that is a lot! This has resulted in a long que, but we are slowly nearing the truck so we can pass it!

The reason for this highway trip, thing, is visiting my grandmother. It is my nephew's birthday today (he is 6 years old and now "a big boy!" - quote himself), and his father is driving south to drop him off at his mother's, so the family is meeting at my grandmother's, that is about half way. We aren't staying for long, but we are going to celebrate Rasmus, my nephew, for a bit - and drive off after 3-4 hours.

I am really looking forward to seeing my grandmother again, and to make sure that she is okay! These last couple of days have left me with a bit flossed nerves. My grandmother was hospitalised Saturday morning for some minor illnesses and infections in her lounge tissue, and I feared that that was going to be the "end" of her. My grandmother is 92, and due to her age her heartrhythm isn't that stable anymore. It is not something really bad, it is normal when you get old. Never the less, it scared me to think that she was in the hospital. Luckily she is home now, and apparently doing fine, which was a huge relieve to hear!

Tomorrow I have my last end term test, and then it is SUMMER VACATION, BABY!! I am sooo looking forward to the vacation, and to actually get to sleep in, though tha tis not a guaranteed fact. I have a mother who clearly thinks that half past 8 in the morning is sleeping in. For me, in the vacations and weekends, that is still night. Yesterday I went to bed at 4AM in the morning, and spend some time of the day trying to catch up with some of the lost sleep! In the evening we were hosts for a seasonal event in our culture, called Sankt Hans. I am surprised that I wasn't pulled out of bed and forced to help with the preparations, but I think that my mother could see that I would do more harm than good with a knife in the kitchen!

We are soon at my grandmother's, so I am going to cut it here, I'll see ya later! ;-)

Friday, June 21, 2013

She's back! Again..

Hi guys!

So I have had my second last exam this year, so the stress levels have gone a little bit down again! The last couple of weeks have been something near hell on Earth for me. I have experienced me, pulling myself down in a hole of despair and stress over these last weeks' exams. I have driven myself past the point of normal stress reactions and I have sometimes been feeling like a chicken running around without its head!

As I said, today I had my drama exam... And I guess it went okay? I got what is about a B, and everybody tells me to be excited about it, and that it is a good grade for a C-level exam, but I just can't seem to be happy about it. I have to admit that when I had gotten the grade, and was sitting out in the hallway, I was crying a little. I was so disappointed in myself, you have no idea! Luckily I had a pair of good friends to cheer me up a bit, and I think I have finally come to terms with the fact that I can't change that bloody freaking mark, and as my mother keeps telling me "it's only a c-level exam"

Now that the bloody drama exam is over, I only have a written exam left, in my native language. It is honestly this one I think will be the most boring of them all. I hate writing essays, but at least when I had my English end term test, thing, there was a challenge in writing the assignment in another language. Now, it is just boring. Analysing (and having to overanalyse a lot of things) a boring text in your own language. I don't know about your guys, but I am already falling asleep here.

This year I had one "real" exam, and three end term tests. The test are in the subjects of English, mathematics and Danish. The tests in English and math are long over, and I got a B in A-level math, which I am actually pleased with, since I lost all of my notes the night before, and I got the question I least wanted. It was horrible, but I got a B, so that I am pleased with! I won't be getting my results for the English test back, until after the summer vacation, which actually pisses me a bit off. Our "old" English teacher is leaving the school, so that is part of the reason why. I am going to miss her a lot, she was seriously amazing, and so much fun

Tomorrow, two of my classmates are hosting their 18th birthday (here that is as big of a deal as sweet sixteen, because we don't really celebrate out 16th birthdays that much. We are allowed to get a drivers license when we are 18!), and I am so ready to drink my brain out and my sorrows away! In that matter, I am totally shameless, and as long as I am being honest with my parents about the fact that I am going to drink more than usually, they are okay with it. That might be wrong choice of words, because of course parents aren't "okay" with their "small babies" going out and drinking themselves senseless! I have never done that, actually, and that I am proud of! ;-)

And, oh my god! The summer actually seem to have arrived! Yes, yes, yes, YES! This is the best thing that has happened in a looooong time! I have been waiting for this for about 3 or 4 months! I love summer, and I can't wait to get to go to the beach and swim and have fun in the water! I just love the beach, and even though I don't look that good in swimwear (srsl.. I hate myself in swimwear!!), I still love the beach! It is just. I love it! Though, I do prefer a day with a clear sky, and then just a little wind to keep you chilled, but not enough to cause a freaking sandstorm! ;-) We have a small pool (note; small! It is like, 4000 or 5000 liter) here at home, which I sometimes use in stead of trying to convince my parents to go to the beach, since there is like a half hour drive. I know I shouldn't complain about a silly half hour drive, but it is a lot when you have a pair of parents what don't really like the beach at all.

I think that this novel is acceptable for a comeback? It is! ;-) later this evening I am going to a place where they have Italian milk ice, to "celebrate" my first exam in high school. I wish they would stop telling me how happy I should be. Kris, over and out, see ya guys! ;-)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Everyday things; the gym

Hi guys! 

I do again find myself in a situation where I feel like blogging, but I don't really know what to write about; so I guess this is just going to be a sort of.. Post thing, where I just write whatever comes to my mind, not necessarily in a chronological order or anything. Just stuff from my brain!

One of my good friends; Elisa, has actually managed to convince me to go to our school's gym. It is actually called a "test centre" and is sometimes used in subjects as PE, biology and biotechnology, but is free to use for all of the students. It isn't really a big gym, but it is really well equipped, especially considering that it is a normal high school. There are several weight thingies (look how much I know about this stuff... Sigh -.-) for strength training, bikes, cross trainers and treadmills for cardio and mats and other things for a lot of other exercises.

I went there with Elisa yesterday, and today. Yesterday there were quite a lot of people in there, among them some seniors who were rehearsing some sort of series for PE I guess? The students are free from school to study for their exams right now, so there's a lot of time to use the gym. We started out following Elias's program. She has this sort of plan for squats (are they called that? Is that even a word???), so it was a little hard for me to start out doing 120 squats (seriously, what are they called? Help me out here!). Before you judge my inability to do squats, keep in mind that I am a lazy ass person who have just started exercised! That you are allowed to judge me for, cause I know that that is too god damn bad!

Today we (Elisa and I) had arranged to meet up, at the gym, with a guy from my class called Marcus. Marcus used to drive BMX and do quite some heavy weight lifting, and even though he complained about being "out of shape" he still lifted quite a lot. I am sure that you guys don't think that about 14 kilos are a lot, but it still baffled Elisa and I. Seriously guys, some of the dudes that use the school's gym are fucking machines! There was a dude lifting about 110 or 120 kilos at bench, and THAT IS A FUCKING LOT! The "worst" part was that he didn't look like he was dying, as Elisa so gently put it. 

These two days have mostly been muscle, which is fine by me, since I really want to built up some muscle, I am sick and tired of hearing myself complaining about my own laziness, so I actually feel quite amazing for getting my ass up from my bed thing, and actually going. I have to admit that I am still taking the scooter to the school, but I think that I have to start riding my bicycle, that is a bit of training as well ;-)

I had Helene over to some girls stuff and lunch yesterday, after I was at the gym, and it turned from a lunch, to dinner, to her sleeping over. It was really nice, and We had a great time. After dinner We shared a cup of chocolate/browny ice cream, and even though I enjoyed it while eating, I couldn't help but feel really disgusting for eating so much ice cream! Ugh, I'll just have to work it off ;-)
At the gym today I experienced actually laughing when I managed to 5 pushes with the leg push thingy (I honestly have no idea what the fuck it's called in English?!) with 100 kilos. 100 FREAKING KILOS! I don't know what you guys are used, but for me it was both hard as fuck and totally one of the most awesome things I have forced myself into recently!

When I stood out of bed this morning I really felt my thighs.. Like, really! It wasn't so bad that I couldn't walk, and I just bad to walk it off. I felt it again when I sat down for breakfast, but it isn't bad. When I got to the gym, and did squats, this time with weights (only 27,5 kilos though), I could quite clearly feel that I had used my legs the day before. Also when I did the leg press thing, my legs started shaking. It looked absolutely crazy, but I freaking did it! I feel so awesome for pulling myself together to do this! Wuhuu, you go girl!

This became a post about the gym, hope you can live with it, because you kind of have to if you actually read till down here, you go guuurl! ;-)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Video: Fnah

Hi guys!

Sorry for the weird title; I couldn't figure out an appropriate title for this post, or even the video? I made a sort of vlog, same stuff as usual; me talking about a lot of things without saying much of any sort of importance! So yeah, if you feel like watching it, feel free, and if not, feel free to ignore this post! ;-)

I think the quality and sound is okay - it better be, I recorded with my (honestly) quite fucking expensive camera! The thumbnail is downright adorable, I know, but the others were even worse! I do a lot of derping around in this one, as usual, but I had a fun time making it, so I hope that I wont waste 8 minutes of your lives completely?

Helene is staying for the night, and in the morning I am going to work out at my high school gym with some of my friends. I know what you are thinking: "You? Workout?!", yeah it came as a surprise to me as well.. but I actually went in my own free will, and with the help of Elisa I will hopefully stick to exercising this time, plus, it is free ;-)

I better get to bed, I am falling asleep on top of my computer in a few minutes, and Helene sounds like she is about done in the bathroom - see you guys later! ;-)

ITS OVER 9000!!


Okay, breathe!

But seriously guys, this is amazing! Even more reason for me to get myself together to upload the video as soon as possible! It isn't really an important video, but it's a video! ;-)

Here's a little neardism for ya all to go to sleep on, I need to get up early to go the gym at my school to work out with  one a good friends. We are getting up early so that our brain won't notice that we are trying to exercise! It's lame, but that is the reason we are getting up "early". Enough talking, more sleeping - I'm out!


Hi guys!

I am planning on putting up a video tomorrow, and I just found some ridiculous snapshots from the editing! I put them together in a sort of teaser (lol, really?!), so here you go!

Really intelligent pictures! I don't even know what?? See ya guys tomorrow, and I will hopefully get myself together to be more active!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Picture: memories

Hi guys!

Yesterday my friend Julie and I were talking about our old class, and somehow we came to talk about a group we made on Facebook for our old class, and we wondered if it was still there. Apparently Julie went searching for it, because a few hours later I got notifications that she had liked stuff in the group.

I checked out some of the stuff that was in the group, pictures and posts - and I honestly relieved some of the moments I mostly felt like forgetting, but I also found some pictures from a "trip" to our class teachers summer house. After we had taken our last exams, and we just waiting for our "graduation" from ground school.

These are some of the pictures;

These two pictures honestly make me so happy, and I can't help but smile. Some of the people from the class decided to go down to the beach, and I went out and walked in the water. Helene didn't go as far out, but she called me in at one point, and then we got this picture taken. I love it, we are both smiling and clearly happy! We had finished our finals and we were just a few days away from a month if vacation.

After our "graduation" I went three weeks to Germany - and I remembering looking at for an example these pictures when I was missing Helene very much. These pictures represent some very good memories, and I love them really much. I am so glad that I found them again, thanks go out to Julie!

Just about an hours drive, and then I am home again! And apart from going to a scouting meeting tomorrow afternoon at 4PM, I have the entire day off, so I am seriously hoping for the sun to shine, so that I can lay outside and maybe be so lucky to get some colour on my pale corpus! ;-)

Don't even know?

Hi again guys!

I am (still) on the road, and I am still quite bored. I tried sleeping, because as we all know, sleep is a magical thing that makes the times fly by. At that time I was in the backseat, and I leaned down to my mother's shoulder to rest, but just as I was falling asleep - she asked me to lean on the window instead. I tried, I honestly did, but I am just and exactly too tall to be able to lean down on the window frame, and even the head support thingy. Yes, I know that you are able to adjust those things - but I couldn't be bothered to do so.

My father apparently thought that I was "being hysterical" about it, because I said that's I couldn't lean down there comfortably and yet did so, so after we stopped to get the dogs out for a bit (yes, we have three dogs with us, of various size), he insisted to sit in the back with my mother and my brother's girlfriend, so that now it was his turn to "be hysterical" about his bad back and I don't even know what? So now I am riding shotgun with my brother as "pilot".

My dad has gone inside a shop to buy stuff for lunch, and my mother is out walking the dog. She does, for some reason, insist on having her out every time we stop, because out little dog, Chili, just doesn't want to do her God damn business! It is kind of frustrating, but you can't really blame her, too many new things are going on at one time to concentrate. 

As mentioned, still on the road and still pretty bored.. But, this time we are closer - duh! ;-) and this time when sitting in the front, I actually have fair chance of getting some sleep! We have about an hour's drive - so I am cutting it here - and I will try to get some sleep, I have been yawning a lot writing this, so ehm - bye ;-)

(Pictures of boredom, tadaaaa)


Hi guys!

As promised, here is a picture of the clothing I bought yesterday. A bikini, two shirts and a dress;

Right now I am in the car on my way to the family birthday stuff I also wrote about yesterday. I am actually wearing the watermelon top with a pair of shorts right now. I am hoping that the summer is actually here to stay this time!

It has been really nice weather the last couple of days, and yesterday, when we went shopping, the sun had a clear sky and it was just so bloody lovely to walk up and down the streets, barefoot and with amazing weather ;-)

I am on a three hour car ride, in a completely packed car, and I am bored off my ass, so there might be some more posts along the way?