Soooo.. I just realised that I have had this blog for over a year. I have blabbering about my everyday life, how I felt about it, and even stuff with no relevance for anything - for over a year. I can't really claim that it has been a regular thing, sometimes I've posted stuff as if my life depended on it, and at other times it has been one post every two or three weeks, just because I didn't feel like writing anything, or if I have felt like I didn't have anything constructive to write about.
I can honestly say that the weirdest part of having this blog, has been the fact that some of my friends are reading along. I have shared the link to the blog with a few people, myself, and sometimes I have been wondering if it was even a very good idea, but I haven't regretted it. There was a time where I felt awful but honestly didn't know if I wanted to tell, but from the small "hints", so to say, I kind of gave away in some of my posts, my friends picked up on it, and helped me to kick my ass into action to get better - which I did.
This has been my own little place where I could say whatever I felt like. I could tell the world how fed up I am with something, and no one could dictate what I was going to say or how. It is really underrated to have a place where you can just blast out what is in your mind, even if you just want to make a post about nothing but how weird you think doves are, or this party you went to, this cock-face from work or school - or if you feel like writing about something that has held you down.
And for me, the best part of that is; it doesn't matter if people think it's bad, it is exactly what you want to post on your own god damn blog!
I know I wrote before that the weirdest thing was having my friends reading everything I write.. But thinking more about it, the craziest part of all of this is you guys.. I do apparently have readers from all over the freaking world!! All from the US, Peru, Chile, Greece, Estonia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, New Zealand, The Fillipines, Hawaii - it's crazy man!!
I did never ever expect my blog to be this worldwide.. Sure, I write in English, but I didn't even dare to dream that so many different people would see my blog. It baffles me every time. And what is my biggest question is; how the hell did you guys find me?! I really want to know, but my question remains unanswered.
Now, a thing that I want to make a small comment on; the whole "Jenny chainletter" thing. When you search for the key words you are "told" to searh, in the stupid "letter", my blog with the post I made about it, comes up in the first page in google, and I have no idea how that happened.. How it actually got to the first page is a mystery to me, but I have apparently helped out some people with the "slaughter" of the chainletter, which makes me happy, so all is good!
I felt like I should've done something very special to celebrate the fact that I've had this blog for over a year now.. But I don't know what I should do? Something crazy? Should I bake a cake? I have no idea, but I feel like celebrating!
For now I will just go to bed though.. It is late, and I need to get up in the early morning, but I just felt like I had to write something, since it's both a long time since last, and that I feel a bit ashamed that I hadn't noticed the "milestone" before now.. But I am off to bed, and I might come up with some idea as to how I should celebrate this?
Goodnight all y'all (couldn't help it..heh)!