And holy dangflabbit shit.. I'm sorry guys.
I just checked my list of posts - and the last post was from 3/3-2015.. Which is a hella long time ago. I actually made some nearly finished drafts, but I didn't get to the stage of actually posting them, for some reason. I made drafts about how I was kind of scared about my future when I was reading for finals, I started a posts about how relationships with your siblings can be complicated and annoying - and actually a lot of other posts.. I just never finished them, and thus never got to posting them.
But during these awfully many months, exciting things have happened in my life. I've graduated - eyyyy! Yes - I graduated and got my hat! The damn hat I feel like I've fought for (blood, sweat and tears have been shed) for three looong years. And I was S O super scared and excited about it at the same time - because I had no idea what my life was going to revolve around when I didn't have school. It feels kind of pathetic, I know, but that was how I felt.
The thing is that I have no flippin' idea what I what to study at university - which is something I have to figure out. So I'm taking a gap year - or maybe two.. As my mother says when people ask about my plans: "Well, she's taking at least one gap year, maybe two. We're not pressuring her into choosing something as fast as possible." This is amazing for me, my parents are really supportive when it comes to this, which was a huge relief, especially since I was close to dropping out of school in year 2 because I had a minor breakdown over school, homework and stress.
For some reason, some divine power granted me my wishes when it came to final exams - no oral math and no oral biotechnology! These subjects are my main subjects, and it's not because I don't like them (cough cough ~fuck you math~ cough), but I just really dislike the exam "method" (does that make sense) with these two subject. I ended up getting Ancient Studies (C-level - part of a song from the Odyssey) and History (A-level - focus on Rome) and praise whatever divine force made this happen, I was so happy I could cry! Being emotional probably had something to do with the lack of sleep, as it is tradition that all of the seniors have a huge party (at a club or somewhere similar) the night before we are told what subjects we have for our final exams.
All of my exams went well, and I actually scored the dangflabbit H I G H E S T S C O R E for my final exam, and holy shit I was so damn happy! I think my teacher was quite happy as well, she looked like it, that's for sure! It's tradition here that you have your parents and maybe some family waiting outside the room where you're being examined, and I had my parents, my moms sister and her husband, all of my siblings and my brothers' girlfriends were there as well. So - no pressure!
How it happens: you go into the room of the exam and get examined by your teacher and a examiner, and after your time is up, you go outside while they decide on your grade. When they're done you get called into the room again, and when you have gotten your grade/score, you come out again - and it's all over. For the last exam someone gets to put your hat on your head, and for me that was my mom. And we cried. We all cried. Holy damn, all of the people cried, I'm not kidding. My father, my uncle, my sister in laws and even my oldest brother shed a little tear - now that's impressive! My mother (and I) cried the most, I'm pretty sure a lot of the tears were kind of relief, as in "the last three years are finally goddamn over - and it is amazing!" and the fact that I ended it the best way possible was just.. It felt amazing, absolutely amazing! (especially because a certain cunt someone didn't get the highest grade, and she fucking cried about it.. Classic. #sorrycertainlynotsorry)
Well, I actually put my ass down and get to write a post - I am actually a bit proud of myself! So to end this quite long post I will post a picture of me with my hat - my precious, precious hat!
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Look how happy I am - horray for me! |