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Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Teaching abandonment
Hi guys!
So today has been quite eventful! In the country I live in, the government wants to cut drastically in the student "paycheck" so to say.. Where I live the students (after they are 18) receive monthly paycheck to help us live our lives. The extra money help us buy books and maybe even computers for school. Basically these money make sure that we have time to study properly!
Now that the government wants to cut very much in these money, a lot of the younger people (from high school to end of university age) are furious about this. At my gymnasium we then today voted if we wanted to abandon the classes today. The suggestion came from the student council, and had the full support from all of the teachers.
At the big morning assembly-thing 73% of the students votes "yes" to the abandonment of the lessons, and then a whole new agenda was set in motion. Around there school there were different activities, like classrooms where you could hear about how and what the government wants to save money. We are talking about two billions here, and with a country with only about six million people, and not that many students, that is something we are defiantly going to feel!
As mentioned there has been activities around the school, and another one of them was painting banners for a big demonstration in our nations capital this Thursday. I really want to go, and I got the full permission from my father, but my mother doesn't seem to be just as supportive. I am going. Bum, now it's written - I am going!
Of course I see the fairness in cutting a little bit off of the monthly "allowance", and I know that we can't just lay back and expect these economical problems to go away and solve themselves, we have to take part and take on our responsebility, I just don't think this is the way to do it! Cutting a little bit off these "paychecks" could still help, and not cause as much rage among the students.
Just because we protest against what we think is unfair, doesn't mean that we are lazy and greedy, it means we are realistic.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Spreading out
Okay now, you saw how much I freaked out by the 50 views on one day, right? Okay, double that with.. I don't know? 7? Yeah, 7 - and imagine how I reacted when I saw seventy-holy-frikkin'-moly-five views?! Like.. Wat?
NOTE: I just checked again, it is up on 90.. like.. What?!
and what startled me the most, is the fact that 51 of the views are from the USA? How did that happen? For starters I understood the views from my own country, it made sort of sense since I had told a few people about it. Then I had a few views from the US, but I honestly didn't make much of it to start with.
Then the views started spreading out over the most of Europe, Britain (sorry to you British lads who don't think Britain a part of Europe, I just automatically do), Germany, France, Spain, then to Asia and even freaking Australia! Holy bajesus! I don't understand how it happened, but I honestly think it is amazing!
I am currently around the 3330-something views, and it still seems very unrealistic for me. How people actually noticed me, and started reading my blog? I might never know ;-) The funny thing is though that nobody actually follows my blog, despite the (in my eyes) pretty many views. It doesn't bother me though, I just write stuff about other stuff, and put it online ;-)
I am ashamed. I just went through the list of posts, and saw that I had only made 3 of them while in Austria! Damn me! I plan on making some when I get the pictures from my camera loaded onto my pc! :-) also, be prepared, I am about to post a picture of something sooo cute, you will most definitely go "aaaaaww!", I will almost bet you!
The photochallenge.. Yeah.. I sort of promised you guys, and myself to finish it, and I am about halfway. I am going to finish it, but as you might know, it wan't be done in 30 days ;-) Cuteness overload picture coming up! Be prepared!
Yeah, this beautiful creation is apparently called pent-2-en
Monday, February 18, 2013
I feel like making up for the lack of posts during my vacation, but honestly I have nothing to write about.. I feel totally empty headed - no idea, what so ever? Dafuq is wrong with me? ;-) Normally my head is bursting with different ideas, but right now it is quite empty.. Shame, because I feel like writing something? Well, I am off to drama!
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Yeah, dat's meh.. Elisabeth made my hair :-) |
Okay, history was quite interesting today. We have about Hitler and the 3rd Reich (a classic, I know), and how Hitler came to power in Germany. We have read about the change of power and the economic crisis. Our teacher showed us a short animated film from Walt Disney about the German situation. The movie was followed by a song in the background, and the lyrics was a mix of English and German.
I volunteered to read the lyrics because I have heard the song before, so it wasn't totally alien to me. Honestly, it was sooo weird to read it, the mix of German, English and some other weird combinations, the words just didn't seem like they wanted to fit together in a normal sentence, hehe ;-)
As it says at the top, this is really nothing and I need to stop now, or else I am just going to ramble on and on about that exactly - nothing ;-)
Sunday, February 17, 2013
I'm am back from my skiing vacation! I am sorry I couldn't upload or write that many posts down there, but the internet connection at the place we were staying at was crap and unstable as fuck! :-) Anyways, I am back home again, so the blogging can continue! :-)
Personally Valentines Day doesn't bother me at all. I have both been single and have had a boyfriend on the so called "special day", but I just don't get why people are so bloody fussed about it? Honestly? The fuck is up with people?I saw people complaining about being single and how alone and miserable they are ALL DAY! I can't take shit like that. Of course it can suck if you are single in Valentines but would you grow up?
Another thing that sprung to my eyes, and that actually bothers me more (this is turning into a rant, can you see it coming?), is the fact that people are complaining about others being happy on Valentines. I mean.
That has got to be one of the saddest thing ever. It is okay to be upset about being alone on the day, but pulling others out of their "happy-bubble", to make them aware of your misery? Stop it. Right now.
A friend of mine has been called "gay" and "faggot" (and stuff like that), just because he likes Valentines Day. He likes the tradition of showing a little extra love to the people around you, and especially his loved ones. And then when he wants to surprise his girlfriend at the "special occasion" he get's shit for it? What. I don't even. Asdfghjkl! Stop!
This picture describes my feelings about people who are bitching like that, pretty accurate! Really. I don't get why douche bags thinks they have the rights to give good guys shit for being good boyfriends? I am so proud of my friend for what he did for his girlfriend, even though I don't really care that bloody much about the day.
The year I had a boyfriend (hahaha, sounds like I am a total loner!) on Valentines Day wasn't much different. He is a boy who shows his affection very much, and the only difference was that he gave me a necklace, nothing too fancy, I told him that, and I though it was extremely sweet! This year I didn't really pat attention to the day, I was too busy skiing, being tired and sick to notice really ;-) I wished the others in my room a Happy Valentines, and that was it. I don't care that much of the day, but I think it is sweet.
A person I follow on twitter wrote that Valentines shouldn't be that special a day, because you should show your loved one(s) respect and affection every single day. I couldn't agree more.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Day one on ski
So, aften a long and honestly pretty tough day, I am sitation in the commonroom and watching the newest Batman movie. I don't know why, but I have this weird fascination with these movies, don't judge me okay?! ;-)
Today I have been skiing with some of the boys, and they are skiing like they don't know words like injuries, death and you know.. Like that. We have been skiing off pist in about two meters of snow. It was crazy, and I felt like I was about to die 75% of the time.
Normally skiing for me is split in about 75% joy and fun - and then 25% fear. Honestly.. I like getting pushed a bit out of my comfort zone, note the "bit". Today has been one of those days, I had to keep up with the boys and their crazy speed and ways of skiing. As mentioned, I was pretty convinced that I was going to die, because unlike the guys, I am very aware of possible injuries, I do not wish to return from this trip with a brokken leg ;-)
Tomorrow I will be skiing with some of the other guys, I need to give my legs a rest - I have this weird bump on one of them, and I am not sure that it is a good thing, I will try to sleep now, I didn't get much rest last night, and I can most certainly feel that today. And remind me to bring lunch tomorrow? That would be nice!
The wifi at the hotel where we are staying is very unstable, so I don't know if I will be alle to upload, we'll see ;-)
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Hi guys!
I am finally here. Austria, boom baby! ;-) Haha! After a very very long and rather tirering 26 hour bustrip, we have all finally arrived! The reason for the extremely long drive, was that the traffic was jammed (as the signs said themselves).
Then there was firstly something about the busdrivers maxing out the hours they are allowed to drive in, and then secondly the hours our bus was allowed to drive ran out. Gosh. Well in all this mess, we got another bus to pick us an our baggage up, so we are here now!
The name, Besenhaus does apparently mean something like.. "Broom closet"? Is that correct? I have had a lot of fun saying that we are staying in the broom closet, kind of sad - I know!
I am really exited about tomorrow, we are going skiing - yesss!! There is WiFi here, but for some reason my iPad will not log on to it.. piece of apple garbage.. (didn't mean that!!) Anyways, I will go to sleep now, everybody else is sleeping. Even the guys next door, I am not even kidding!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Austria calling
Hi guys!
Right now I am sitting on the bus, destination Austria! As I've mentioned earlier, I al going with my local youth club, and I am pretty exited! The thing with my ex going as well I am going to handle as the near adult I am, calm as fuck ;-)
I was the last person to get on the bus, so I dreaded having to sit somewhere shitty. There wasn't really any seats left, except for one at one of the tables. I asked the boy who sat there, if I could sit next to him, and here I am! The boy's name is Niklas, and opposite of us is Laura og Laura.
I have been fearing being alone and making no friends on this trip, but so far it is good!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Facebook defriending
I sort of promised myself by the start of this blog, that I would do my best to not be totally "drama llama" and stuff like that - but this is my blog about my life, so you are just going to suck it up ;-) I honestly don't know if this is going to be some sort of mini rant, or what it is becoming, we'll see.
So, yesterday I found out that one of my (thought so..) friends has defriended me on Facebook. It is not that I am totally chocked or anything, but you can't really help but feel like you are kind of left in the trashcan and abandoned. Ugh, I honestly don't really know how I am supposed to react to this.
What "complicates" this a little bit is that I had a sort of fling with this boy, note the word fling! I didn't expect anything from him, and I am pretty sure he knew that very clearly. I can't recall ever doing something that would make him dislike me, but if I did it is his loss. This might sound very arrogant, but that is how I have chosen to handle it. Fuck him then, and have a good life ;-)
Part of this decision comes from the fact that I refuse to let him have such impact that I actually react to it, and in this case, overreact. I am going to sound bitter and bitchy right now, but I really don't care, because I don't think I am. I just have a very clear opinion on how to handle this.
I met in early to school today, to check up on some homework before class, and I met him on the stairs down to the canteen. I had spotted him earlier, and I had to admit that I kind of freaked out in my head for a split second, but I fairly quickly decided to just ignore him completely, and look happy. I do, for some unknown reason, often smile when I think of people I dislike, so I just automatically smiled (I think I might have looked like a maniac, though..), and walked past him, ignoring him and feeling like the fucking queen of this shit, haha! ;-)
If you ever happen to try this, my advice is just to ignore it, and instead of thinking about how you feel left, just think that it is the persons loss, and fuck them! You are the queen/king of your world, so if they don't want to be a part of it, then fuck them ;-)
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Day 15
GBR (Great Barrier Reef) is a place that is ore or less imprinted into the collective mind of divers all over the world. Here are the most beautiful fish and corals in the most amazing colors found, and it is really the place I want to go dive at, at some point. Experiencing the corals, the animal life, the crystal clear waters, the colors and the very famous special light before it is gone is a goal in life for me!
Birthday child(ren)
These two girls are magnificent creatures, and I love them to the core! Helene and Sara (and their parents) invited me to eat with them at a steakhouse for the celebration of the two girls turning 17. Sara had a project for school that she had to finish, so she was home during the day hours when Helene and I took the bus to one of the bigger cities near us.
As written, we took the bus around 3PM, and we then went into a H&M store, to look at some clothing and stuff like that, you know - girly stuff! ;-) When we had finished of the H&M stores, I had bought one dress, a shirt that can also function as a dress and some jewelry on sale, sigh.. I always end up buying something, it's such a bad habit!! My bad habit aside, we then went to a very cozy coffee place I know.
We ordered our coffees, Helene had a mocha latte, and I had a mint latte - they were both supermegafoxyawesome! We sat at the café and talked, just talked and laughed and caught up on each others lives and new classmates. I missed it so much! Just being able to sit down and talk for as long as needed!
Inge-Lise, the mother, then turned up and we walked down to the restaurant where we were meting the others, Julian, the older brother, his girlfriend Louise, Sara and the father Peter. That was the first time I actually really met Louise, and she is super sweet! :-) We went inside and we were seated at this huuuge round table, where we almost had to shout out to get the salt send across the table, it was quite funny, actually!
After we ate, we drove home and the girls prepared some cakes for dessert. My parents came over, and they brought the presents for the girls. Sara got two t-shirts, a blue and a purple with print, and Helene got a necklace (which Sara had already given her, but thank god for these "exchange labels"!) and a DVD she wanted. I think the girls all in all were quite happy with their presents, and I feel so awesome for picking out good ones! :-)
This is becoming a long post, so I will cut it here - photochallenge is up soon!