Hi guys!
I sort of promised myself by the start of this blog, that I would do my best to not be totally "drama llama" and stuff like that - but this is my blog about my life, so you are just going to suck it up ;-) I honestly don't know if this is going to be some sort of mini rant, or what it is becoming, we'll see.
So, yesterday I found out that one of my (thought so..) friends has defriended me on Facebook. It is not that I am totally chocked or anything, but you can't really help but feel like you are kind of left in the trashcan and abandoned. Ugh, I honestly don't really know how I am supposed to react to this.
What "complicates" this a little bit is that I had a sort of fling with this boy, note the word fling! I didn't expect anything from him, and I am pretty sure he knew that very clearly. I can't recall ever doing something that would make him dislike me, but if I did it is his loss. This might sound very arrogant, but that is how I have chosen to handle it. Fuck him then, and have a good life ;-)
Part of this decision comes from the fact that I refuse to let him have such impact that I actually react to it, and in this case, overreact. I am going to sound bitter and bitchy right now, but I really don't care, because I don't think I am. I just have a very clear opinion on how to handle this.
I met in early to school today, to check up on some homework before class, and I met him on the stairs down to the canteen. I had spotted him earlier, and I had to admit that I kind of freaked out in my head for a split second, but I fairly quickly decided to just ignore him completely, and look happy. I do, for some unknown reason, often smile when I think of people I dislike, so I just automatically smiled (I think I might have looked like a maniac, though..), and walked past him, ignoring him and feeling like the fucking queen of this shit, haha! ;-)
If you ever happen to try this, my advice is just to ignore it, and instead of thinking about how you feel left, just think that it is the persons loss, and fuck them! You are the queen/king of your world, so if they don't want to be a part of it, then fuck them ;-)