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Sunday, March 3, 2013


Now, I don't want to frighten you guys with the titel, but this is a topic that has been in my head for some time now..

Okay. As I said I don't want to frighten you and give you the impression that I am some sort of punker chick (not that I have anything against punks though) who just wants to be one big tattoo - you know the people who walks around totally covered in tattoos.. Yeah, they kind of scare me to be honest..

Anyway! Even though my mother would totally flip on me if I ever were toget a tattoo, the thought of getting a few small and meaningfull tattoos on "hidden" places has crept into my mind, and sort of facinated me. Again, I know my mom would kill me, but just the thought of it.. Can't get it out of my head. Instead of just laying here in bed and plabbering, I should tell you about the tattoos, shouldn't I? Yes, I think so!

For starters, I would like a simple heart. And by "simple" - I mean simple! Notning big, scary or flashing!
Okay now, see picture 1. That is the kind of heart tattoo I would love! I don't really know where I would have it. I like it where it is on the picture, but I just seems to visible for my taste. I like when you can sort of cover up tattoos to fit the occation. After a small break in the writing I think I have come to the conclusion that I would like to have it under the breasts in the ledt side. Stop youselfes right now, lads! ;-) but seriously, imagine that heart only visible in a bikini or in underwear. I would love it!

Now, nummer two. Check out picture 2. Now, do it. Okay, I am not saying that it should be that one ecsactly, but I like it. The tattoo of the Taurus would mean much to me. Firstly, I am a Taurus of zodiac, or how you would say it?, and even though I don't believe in horoscopes, I find the Taurus really fitting on my personality. Also, the taurus, for me, is a symbol of strengh for me, which is also very important to me. I have had to be strong many times in my life, and sometimes I have to remind myself to keep saying strong. How would it be with a permanent reminder? I think I would like to have it around my right hip, so I would see it in the morbror everything day.

Okay, number 3 is not just the nerdy reference to Harry Potter, it is also a reminder of the people who's love I will always hold, a reminder of how there will always be people carring about you - no matter how little you might think of yourself! I would like this one on my right or left side, just under the bra.

This is the final one, so far ;-) I would love to have the word "laugh" tattooed on my body, and then I stumbled across these Sanskrit symboles, and I really love the sign for laugh! Laughing for me is lifely important, laughing has got me through a lot of dark, and - for me - unhappy times. I love to laugh! I love to laugh with my friends, and I enjoy being alle to laugh at myself. Laughing is essential, end of story ;-)

Okay, now that I have spammed you guys with my dream of a few tattoos, I will stop now. The iPad is also running low on power, so I will lave you guys alone now ;-)

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