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Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Hi guys!

Have you ever had someone stalk you? Not just on the internet, like on facebook, twitter or whatever, but in the "good" old fashioned way in the real life. I have, and I think that is was one of the creepiest thing I have tried, like - ever! It wasn't really for a long time, it was 3 weeks. But in Germany.. Note that I don't live in Germany here, I was on a language trip for these 3 weeks, and during those - I had myself a stalker..

This guys somehow got my number, which was odd, since I didn't give it out to anyone I didn't know, and kept writing to me and asking me why I was where I was, and what I was doing. He never did anything to me, or came very near me he just followed me around and kept his distance. I never talked to him, and whenever I tried to come in contact with him in person, he kind of ran away. He honestly had good conditions for following me around, since he was on the trip as well.

After I got used to  the fact that some dude followed me around (well, you don't really get used to it, but I think you know what I mean?), I just ignored it. Since he didn't do anything or said anything to me, I just ended up ignoring him. My friends thought he was extremely scary, and sort of wanted me to call either the police or at least the leaders on him. I didn't though, that would have been a bit harsh, since he didn't do anything...

The creepiest part was when he was just standing at a distance, and staring at me and the people I was with. I don't know if it is "normal" to know who your stalker is, but this one just creeped at a distance. And as mentioned before, I never found out what his name was, or which of the countries he was from. I guessing Spain or Italy, based on the way he looked.

I don't know how "normal" stalking is, but (luckily) this guy stopped texting me when the trip ended. I was really relieved, because I honestly don't know how to handle these things? I wouldn't be surprised if the guy found this blog somehow, even though I don't know how he should manage to do so?

It may seem weird to you that this post have been weird for me to write, but remembering all of those weird episodes from the trip has been... Well, weird - and even though the stalker dude didn't do anything, or ever spoke to me in person, I can't really recommend having a stalker, it is sort of exhausting to have someone follow you around almost everywhere you go. Ugh, this post is really long and confusing, I can't figure it out anymore, so I am just cutting it "short" here!

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