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Thursday, May 15, 2014


Soeh.. I'm now a legal adult. Don't really know how I'm feeling about that, though. As I expected, I'm not feeling much of a difference, though I do from time to time get a weird feeling when I sort of "realise" that I am, ideed, 18 years old, yeah. So now that means that I am allowed to do all the "grown-up stuff", right? Right?
 Fuck yes, turn that shit up - I'm an adult now, so I can do whatever I want, haha!

Joking aside, I really don't feel any different. The only new things I am allowed to do is what the law says, my parents are still keeping me on an unreasonable short leash, a thing I think they'll keep doing 'till I move out or something - which isn't going to happen the next few years, that would just be plain stupid with the plans I have.
Which then means that I can go to a bar (if it isn't one of the 21 restricted ones), I can buy hard liquor, I can vote, I can acquire a driver's license and I have to pay taxes.. So that's nice. As mentioned a thousand times by now, I don't feel any differences, but according to my friends the feeling will sort of kick in when you get your driver's license delivered, as sort of a proof that you are actually an adult.

I had a party on my birthday, that went very well! There was a lot of (loud) music playing, lights and everything! People seemed to have a great time, and I got a shitload of presents, mostly liquor, and I luckily dodged to dildo's and other weird sexual gear, that some people like to give as presents.. I have lovely friends! Well,, with everything said and done, I am actually quite happy that I don't feel so adult-y, since I love mentally being a kid, and playing around - so I really don't know if I'm up for the task of being a 100% adult yet. I know that I won't be so for some years, but it's just hard to explain. Maybe I'll try to in another post or in a video, if I'll ever actually make one, we'll see..

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