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Friday, December 28, 2012


Hi guys!

I am at the hairdresser right now, and I am changing my hairstyle a tiny bit. Nothing extreme or anything, but a slight change in the spirit of anti-winter mood ;-) You know, your hair gets naturally darker in the winter, due to less exposition to the bleaching sun rays.

So now I am sitting in my fancy plastic coat, and waiting for my highlights to finish coloring. It looks kind of scary, the color in my hair is blue, and I really hope that that isn't the color I end up with - I trust my hairdresser with my hair though..

She (the hairdresser) told me that my hair is "long and luxurious" and that I should feel proud of my hair, and how I protect it! I don't really know how to feel about it, but I guess pride is okay? ;-)

Bye guys! - Loooove going to the hairdresser!

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