(another thing to cross of the list- woop!)
Before I get to the topic of youtubers I watch, I want to show you something! :-) Somehow i just found my ooooold blog from 2010 when I was about.. 13? Damn! But I've been stalking my own old blog, but I can't really decide if I'm proud or ashamed of my older self..? No doubt, I didn't know how to spell! Ex I spelled "video" like "vidio", seriously, 13 year old Kris, really?! Haha ;-) Anyway, here's the link: Old blog!
ANYWAAAY! To the topic - youtbers I watch! Yes, I will spam you with some videos and/or links, and I will enjoy it! Because I am evil like that. Of to youtube I am!
The first youtuber I want to introduce is: Charlie McDonnell! Charlie is one of my favorite youtubers, and I love the mix of comedy, nerdism, serious videos and science! Charlie is also in a band, links can be found on his youtube page :) Btw, Charlie has a second channel: Charlieissoboredlike.
Okaaay, this is going to take up a lot of space.. I will do one or two more for today, and may make other posts with youtubers ;-)
DAN IS NOT ON FIREEEEE! Hehe, Dan. I love Dan and his videos, they always get me cracking like some sort of firework (wot?)! Dan some times makes videos with Phil with whom he shares an apartment. These guys are amazing, check them out! Dan have a extra channel; danisnotinteresting!
Okay, last one! HISHEdotcom is a hilarious channel, and I really love these videos! The alternative ending always gets me! Now, thend!
Bye guys! - I love youtube!!
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