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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Doggies in heaven

Hi poodles!

So, the last couple of days have been quite turbulent and emotional. My two best friends' (twin girls) dog had been diagnosed with leukemia a little while ago, and that of course was hard, facing the fact that your dog is dying. You might think this sounds silly, but it isn't really something you can judge on, unless you have tried it yourself. 

The dog, Hannibal, was this Friday very ill, and the family decided to put him down, and the girls were told in the break. I go to class with one of them, and she came to me and showed me the message. I could see the sadness in her face, but she kept up the facade and didn't cry. My mom came and picked us up an hour early, and drove us home. Luckily the girls' father was home, so they were not alone.

 I lost my own dog not so long ago, and I now how hard it is. It is going to be weird not having your dog around, you will hear the noises it used to make and it is going to be hard. I myself am not through/over it yet, but it's getting better and it's nice to have people to talk to about it.

I think you are reading this, darling, and I really want you to know that I am here for you, at all times, any day any time. I love you.

Bye poodles - Our doggies are in heaven

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