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Friday, June 21, 2013

She's back! Again..

Hi guys!

So I have had my second last exam this year, so the stress levels have gone a little bit down again! The last couple of weeks have been something near hell on Earth for me. I have experienced me, pulling myself down in a hole of despair and stress over these last weeks' exams. I have driven myself past the point of normal stress reactions and I have sometimes been feeling like a chicken running around without its head!

As I said, today I had my drama exam... And I guess it went okay? I got what is about a B, and everybody tells me to be excited about it, and that it is a good grade for a C-level exam, but I just can't seem to be happy about it. I have to admit that when I had gotten the grade, and was sitting out in the hallway, I was crying a little. I was so disappointed in myself, you have no idea! Luckily I had a pair of good friends to cheer me up a bit, and I think I have finally come to terms with the fact that I can't change that bloody freaking mark, and as my mother keeps telling me "it's only a c-level exam"

Now that the bloody drama exam is over, I only have a written exam left, in my native language. It is honestly this one I think will be the most boring of them all. I hate writing essays, but at least when I had my English end term test, thing, there was a challenge in writing the assignment in another language. Now, it is just boring. Analysing (and having to overanalyse a lot of things) a boring text in your own language. I don't know about your guys, but I am already falling asleep here.

This year I had one "real" exam, and three end term tests. The test are in the subjects of English, mathematics and Danish. The tests in English and math are long over, and I got a B in A-level math, which I am actually pleased with, since I lost all of my notes the night before, and I got the question I least wanted. It was horrible, but I got a B, so that I am pleased with! I won't be getting my results for the English test back, until after the summer vacation, which actually pisses me a bit off. Our "old" English teacher is leaving the school, so that is part of the reason why. I am going to miss her a lot, she was seriously amazing, and so much fun

Tomorrow, two of my classmates are hosting their 18th birthday (here that is as big of a deal as sweet sixteen, because we don't really celebrate out 16th birthdays that much. We are allowed to get a drivers license when we are 18!), and I am so ready to drink my brain out and my sorrows away! In that matter, I am totally shameless, and as long as I am being honest with my parents about the fact that I am going to drink more than usually, they are okay with it. That might be wrong choice of words, because of course parents aren't "okay" with their "small babies" going out and drinking themselves senseless! I have never done that, actually, and that I am proud of! ;-)

And, oh my god! The summer actually seem to have arrived! Yes, yes, yes, YES! This is the best thing that has happened in a looooong time! I have been waiting for this for about 3 or 4 months! I love summer, and I can't wait to get to go to the beach and swim and have fun in the water! I just love the beach, and even though I don't look that good in swimwear (srsl.. I hate myself in swimwear!!), I still love the beach! It is just. I love it! Though, I do prefer a day with a clear sky, and then just a little wind to keep you chilled, but not enough to cause a freaking sandstorm! ;-) We have a small pool (note; small! It is like, 4000 or 5000 liter) here at home, which I sometimes use in stead of trying to convince my parents to go to the beach, since there is like a half hour drive. I know I shouldn't complain about a silly half hour drive, but it is a lot when you have a pair of parents what don't really like the beach at all.

I think that this novel is acceptable for a comeback? It is! ;-) later this evening I am going to a place where they have Italian milk ice, to "celebrate" my first exam in high school. I wish they would stop telling me how happy I should be. Kris, over and out, see ya guys! ;-)

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