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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Buckes of tea and autumn weather

Mornin' bloggers!

Gaaaaaaaaaaard, I am completely trashed. I slept like shait last night, I have no idea why. And the, when I woke up the weather was.. Well, not good, haha ;) It's grey, rainy and windy. Typical weather in the autumn, but I never really get used to it. But on the bright side, it can be really cozy sitting inside and watching a movie, drinking tea just hiding from the bad weather under your blanket.

I should have been to an amusement park today, where they are celebrating Halloween with thousands and thousands of carved pumpkins, but due to the crappy weather (and the fact that I get ridiculously easily sick these days), I passed. I really want to go, everyone I know who's been there says it's absolutely magical.

So right now I am home, sitting in my bed, chilling out, maxin' and relaxin' (haha, got that one? No? oh, then.. never mind...). Anyway, I am not really doing anything today, so I thinks it's just going to be a pj-day, and then drinking gallons of tea, hehe ;)

I might write some more today, just out of boredom ;)

Bye  :)

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