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Friday, December 7, 2012

Hey guys!

Well, I felt like writing some stuff on this bloggedy-thingey thing, but I don't really know were this is going. Soooooo, lets do this, hahaha! ;-) I'm not really doing anything right now, just chilling in my bed and watching some comedy.

I really like lots of different kinds of comedy, it's normally either the fast going kind or the kind where there's some good artistic pauses. I have a quite the palette of humor I like, both the braifart-ish, the sexual and the political kind of humor. Haha, I'm a crazy person - and I am going to end this riht now, because it's getting out of hand!

BYE! - Ich bin CRAY CRAY!


  1. im going to kill you all tonight you fucking unworthy cunts trying to say that me jenny is not REAL I will kill everyone of you that have even looked at this site

    1. Calm your tits babe ;-) Killing people seems like quite a bad idea ;-)
