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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Trolling mom

Hi guys!

So, guess what?! We didn't die, the Earth didn't "die". The Mayans are probably just the worlds first and biggest trollers! Honestly, I really wouldn't be surprised if they just ran out of rock, and was like: "Meh, we'll make a new one when we get to 2012, we have plenty of time!" But then came the guys fom Spain, and you know the rest ;-)

Just like this!

So, to count down to 22:18:13 the 21st of December, which apparently was the time where shit was about to go down in my country, one of the main TV-channels hosted a "Goodbye, Earth is about to end"-show, and they spent about two and a half hours to count down to DOOMSDAY(!!!), and I was watching the show and shaking my head over this madness!

I felt like this watching the show!

Well, there was about 30 seconds to spare before we all were going to die, and I walked out to the kitchen (where I thought my mother would be cooking up some Christmasy goodness!) to laugh at this shit with her, but she wasn't there. My brain used about a millisecond to freak the fuck out when the power all of the suddenly disappeared, and the house lay in complete darkness.

Honestly - I was shit fucking scared! But then I looked out of our big kitchen windows and saw that the lights on the street was on, and that got me out of the chock state - hehe :-) And then, 3 seconds later, the light came on again, and my mom came snickering out from the room where the power cabinet is located. That evil woman! 

I withdraw what I said earlier! My mother is the biggest troll in the world - I didn't even think she had it in her! 

Bye guys! - Busy Christmas days!

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