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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On the road, Jack!

Note: This was written earlier today - but there was no WiFi on the train (buuuh!), so I haven't been able to upload it until now :-)

Hey guys!

Right now I am on the train with Amalie, a girl from my drama class. We are heading towards Aarhus, to see the play I mentioned earlier. The play starts at 8 pm, so we have plenty of time to rock the citaaay! Haha, we plan to make tons of gun and just make complete fools of ourselves!

Yeeeah! Haha! Actually it was lucky that we made it to the train in time. We decided to run some of the time (me with a big ass schoolbag stuffed with all kinds of crap!), and if we haven't made that decision, we would still be standing outside at the trainstation, freezing our asses off!

Amalie and I are meeting up with another girl at some point, and it is really going to be CRAYZAAAAA! Last time we went to Aarhus together, we ended up sitting at Burger King and throwing our fries at each other  Anders (who is sick today - that bastard!) and I were kind of "the kiddos" in our little group, while Amalie and Elisa tried getting us to behave, which was nearly impossible! They actually tried to leave us.. Cunts! ;-)

Sooo, I expect today to be at least just as cray cray - and I count on makeing an update about how it all went down! But I am not going to be home before crap pm, so it might first be tomorrow! :-)


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